Budget of the Ministry of Finance 2025
The budget of the Ministry of Finance 2025 (with subordinated institutions)
The budget of the Ministry of Finance includes operating expenditures of the Ministry and its subordinated institutions, as well as expenditures incurred from the undertaken international commitments and legislative requirements.
In accordance with the Law on State Budget 2025, total expenditures of the Ministry of Finance are set in amount of 1 535,1 million euro, including expenditures for the implementation of state basic functions in amount of 1 120.7 million euro and expenditures for the implementation of projects and activities co-financed by EU policy instruments and other foreign financial assistance in amount of 414.3 million euro.
The budget of the Ministry of Finance 2025 (as an institution)
Expenditures of the Ministry of Finance (institution) are set in amount of 416.4 million euro, including expenditures for the implementation of state basic functions in amount of 410.6 million euro and expenditures for the implementation of projects and activities co-financed by EU policy instruments and other foreign financial assistance in amount of 5.8 million euro.