Programme “Promotion of development of public-private partnership in Latvia” of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism priority “Regional policy and development of economic activities”
Programme period: 2008-2011, programme sub-project call from 14.08.2008 till 14.11.2008.
Programme regulation: Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No 364 of 26.05.2008 “Regulation of the Sub-project Open Call within the Programme “Promotion of development of public-private partnership in Latvia” of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism priority “Regional policy and development of economic activities””.
Intermediary: state agency “Investment and Development Agency of Latvia” subordinated to the Ministry of Economics.
End-recipients: ministries of the Republic of Latvia, secretariat of minister for special assignment, local or regional municipalities.
Financing available within the framework of the programme: 1 940 135 euro, including the Norwegian Financial Mechanism financing (85%) and Latvian state budget financing (15%), maximum intensity of the assistance 90% of sub-project eligible expenditure.
Programme goal: promote implementation of PPP projects thus improving quality and availability of public services at national and regional level. Eligible activities of the Programme are following:
- creating feasibility study for PPP project and providing training for the staff of the end-recipient and its partner(s) involved in the sub-project. Within the Programme framework of this activity the elaboration of sketch designs for a construction site will be also supported, if it is necessary for creation of feasibility study, the research related to the engineering documentation’s creation and drafting of documents and permits which according to legislative acts are necessary to develop a sketch designs if the sketch designs is necessary for creation of feasibility study;
- establishing procurement documents for PPP project and providing training for the staff of the end-recipient and its partner(s) involved in the sub-project.
Within the framework of the programme open call in order to apply for the co-financing available within the framework of the programme for any of programme activities in total 23 sub-projects applications were submitted amounting to 3 160 362 euro. However after evaluation of sub-project applications a decision was made to grant co-financing for implementation of 13 sub-projects. Therefore within the framework of the programme the following sub-projects were implemented:
Decision No |
End-recipient (institution) |
Sub-project title |
Planned sub-project expenses/ granted co-financing (euro)
Paid co-financing (euro/% of planned)
27.03.2009 7.1-4.10/12 |
Ogre municipality self-government |
Development feasibility study for PPP project “Construction of traffic optimization objects of Ogre municipality – motorway and pedestrian bridge over Ogre river and tunnel under the railway Riga-Daugavpils” |
99 200 89 280 |
57 306,38 64,19 |
24.09.2009 7.1-4.10/17 |
Ogre municipality self-government |
Development feasibility study for PPP project “Reconstruction of business and innovation incubator of Ogre” |
85 000 76 500 |
26 306,99 34,39 |
14.04.2009 7.1-4.10/10 |
Ministry of Welfare |
Development feasibility study for PPP project “Construction of new buildings, arrangement of existing infrastructure and maintenance of centre of social care “Kisi”” |
208 129 187 316 |
181 049,34 96,65 |
20.08.2009 7.1-4.10/15 |
Tukums municipality council |
Development feasibility study for PPP project “Construction and maintenance of new sport hall in town of Tukums” |
55 000 49 500 |
26 890,02 54,32 |
26.03.2009 7.1-4.10/2 |
Adazi municipality council |
Development feasibility study for PPP project “Construction and maintenance of the administrative building of Adazi municipality council” |
215 709 189 824 |
124 249,34 65,46 |
15.04.2009 7.1-4.10/11 |
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development |
Development of Razna national park territory management infrastructure |
40 000 36 000 |
20 418,17 56,72 |
14.04.2009 7.1-4.10/1 |
Limbazi municipality council |
Development feasibility study for PPP project “Construction and maintenance of main Regional library of Limbazi” |
186 300 167 670 |
44 739,06 26,68 |
14.04.2009 7.1-4.10/3 |
Limbazi municipality council |
Development feasibility study for PPP project “Construction and maintenance of multifunctional complex of sport and wellness in City of Limbazi” |
170 300 153 270 |
42 907,63 27,99 |
30.04.2009 7.1-4.10/4 |
Ministry of Justice |
Development of procurement documentation for PPP project “Construction and maintenance of Olaine prison” and staff training |
277 800 250 000 |
135 534,33 54,21 |
30.04.2009 7.1-4.10/6 |
Ministry of Justice |
Development feasibility study and related documentation for PPP project “Construction and maintenance of custody spaces of Skirotava and Kurzeme” and staff training |
277 800 250 000 |
186 754,98 74,70 |
31.03.2009 7.1-4.10/7 |
Riga city council, Welfare Department |
Development feasibility study for PPP project “Reconstruction and maintenance of social care centre „Stella Maris” and “Mezciems” in Riga” |
105 000 94 500 |
58 354,08 61,75 |
24.04.2009 7.1-4.10/13 |
Ministry of Education and Science |
Development feasibility study for PPP project “Developments of infrastructure and maintenance for universities – RTU, LU, RSU and LJA” |
277 778 187 501 |
98 142,43 52,34 |
23.10.2009 7.1-4.10/18 |
Riga city council, Property Department |
Renovation, maintenance and provision of children day-care-services of pre-primary education institution in Riga, Maskavas Street 256 |
235 000 211 500 |
16 690,35 7,89 |
Final report on the programme impact assessment is available on the web site, section “Guidelines and informative materials”.
Additional information:
State agency “Investment and Development Agency of Latvia”
Parses Street 2, Riga, Latvia, LV 1442
Phone: +371 67039499
Fax: +371 67039401
E-mail: liaa@liaa.gov.