In accordance with the requirements of Council Directive 2011/85/EU[1] of 8 November 2011 (Chapter II Article 3.2) on budgetary frameworks of the Member States that requires Member states to publish relevant fiscal data and reconciliation table.
“2. Member States shall ensure timely and regular public availability of fiscal data for all sub-sectors of general government as defined by Regulation (EC) No 2223/96. In particular Member States shall publish:
- cash-based fiscal data (or the equivalent figure from public accounting if cash-based data are not available) at the following frequencies:
- monthly for central government, state government and social security sub-sectors, before the end of the following month, and
- quarterly, for the local government sub-sector, before the end of the following quarter;
- a detailed reconciliation table showing the methodology of transition between cash-based data (or the equivalent figures from public accounting if cash-based data are not available and data) based on the ESA standard.